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制作花絮 英文怎么说

2024-06-16 20:23:00 编辑:join 浏览量:612

制作花絮 英文怎么说

制作花絮 英文怎么说

电影的制作特辑一般会用the making of...例如The Making of 'The Lord of the Rings' 即魔戒三部曲的制作特辑,这是最通俗的用法


A blooper usually describes a short sequence of a film or video production which contains a mistake made by a member of the cast or crew. These bloopers, or outtakes as they are also called, are often the subject of television shows or are occasionally revealed during the credit sequence at the end of comedy movies. (Jackie Chan and Burt Reynolds are both famous for including such reels with the closing credits of their movies.)


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