

2023-07-02 19:26:11 编辑:join 浏览量:553



 Dream last night had a dream we wake up holding hands back to unspeakable loss

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聊天记录停步去年的深秋最后的挽留没有说出口 Chat stop late autumn of last year to retain the last unspoken

我们还是朋友是那种最遥远的朋友你给过的温柔在记录之中全部都保有 We are still the most distant friend is the kind of friend you are too gentle to the record of all keep in

你灰色头像不会再跳动哪怕是一句简单的问候心贴心的交流一页页翻阅多难过是什么坠落升空又想起你曾说的陪我到最后暖色的梦变冰凉的枷锁如果时光倒流我们又能抓得住什么 You will not beat even the gray head is a simple exchange of greetings from heart to heart more sad pages of reading what they think you said falling off of me in the end the dreams, warm cold chains, if we turn back the clock What can sense of filial piety

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聊天记录停步去年的深秋最后的挽留没有说出口 Chat stop late autumn of last year to retain the last unspoken

我们还是朋友是那种最遥远的朋友你给过的温柔在记录之中全部都保有 We are still the most distant friend is the kind of friend you are too gentle to all of them to maintain the record of the

你灰色头像不会再跳动哪怕是一句简单的问候心贴心的交流一页页翻阅多难过是什么坠落升空又想起你曾说的陪我到最后暖色的梦变冰凉的枷锁如果时光倒流我们又能抓得住什么 You will not beat even the gray head is a simple exchange of greetings-heart page after page of what looked more sad falling off thinking of you said to me in the end the dreams, warm cold chains, if we turn back the clock What can sense of filial piety

当我发现所谓醒来其实是另一个梦 In fact, when I found the so-called wake up is another dream
(你不在这世界) (You are not of this world)
梦的出口散不开的浓雾太沉重 Export scattered dream too heavy fog does not open
(你不在这世界) (You are not of this world)
就算当初声嘶力竭作苦苦的求你留下别走也没用 Even if the request had shouted themselves hoarse to make hard left do not go your useless

灰色头像静静悄悄不会再跳动我的绝望溢出胸口是什么坠落升空 Gray picture will not beat me silently quietly despair of what is falling off the chest overflows

你灰色头像不会再跳动暖色的梦变冰凉的枷锁如果时光倒流我们又能抓得住什么 You will not beat warm gray picture of the shackles of dreams, cold sense of filial piety, if anything can we turn the clock back


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