上海夜店 上海有哪些嗨一点的夜店
TPain, Seankingston, SouljaBoy ,AKon, Ladygaga, 的歌儿,现在几乎是夜店里几乎每晚必放的歌儿,这些都是我比较喜欢的,这些歌儿虽然大家都有点听腻了,可是每晚在夜店到这几个歌儿的时候,大家还是会巨嗨,Beatiful girls, I will survive, Take your shirt off, Fire burning, Low ,Crank That ,Kiss me thru the phone, Righe now na na na, Boom boom pow, Kiss kiss, Bird walk,Just dance, Let me think zbout it, Poker face,All the above,Beat again , The way i are,Stronger
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