

2023-03-17 20:50:05 编辑:join 浏览量:577



在我的电脑关机后自动出现蓝屏,有如下字样: A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_ATEA If this is the first time you`ve seen this screen ,restart your computer ,if this screen appears again ,follow these steps: check to make sure any new hardware or software is properdy installed .if this is a new installation .ask your hardware or software manufacture for any windows updates you might need. if problem continue ,disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software .Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing . if you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components ,restart your computer,press F8 to selest Advanced startap options ,and then select safe mode. Technical information: *** STOP: 0*00000050 (0*FF32AFF0, 0*00000000,0*804EB486,0*00000000) Beginning dump of physical mimory physical memory dump comlete confact your system administrator or technical support group for furher assist ance 回答 笔记本?XP系统? 你升级硬件了吧,可能里边有什么东西没插好,把你升级的硬件重新再好好插一下试试!! 回答二: 我的电脑原来也出现过这样的情况,你只要看到像"0*00000050"那样很多"0"的类型,那都是由内存错误引起的,可能是内存本身有问题,也可能是内存兼容性的问题,我的就是由于内存和主板不兼容,我换了块内存就好了。 提问者六: 关机蓝屏 回答一: 1)Windows XP有Bug Windows XP有一个关机故障的Bug,如果你的计算机在关机过程中时常出现关机蓝屏,而且该故障是间歇性的,按下“Ctrl+Alt+Delete”键也毫无反应,那么可以肯定你的系统还没有打上相应的补丁。请下载SP1补丁包打上补丁,一般就可以了。 2)创新声卡的驱动有问题 如果你使用的是创新声卡,并且在关机过程中出现蓝屏,错误码是“0X0A”,那么,请进入设备管理器,将声卡删除,刷新后,手动安装最新的带有数字签名的驱动程序。 3)罗技鼠标、键盘不完善 如果你使用的是罗技的网络键盘,并且安装了Key Commander软件来驱动键盘相应的网络功能,则有可能造成关机变成重启故障。如果你的罗技鼠标的驱动程序是MouseWare8.6,则会造成关机蓝屏故障,你只有卸载该驱动才能解决问题。


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