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翻译 Once block price effects are estimated using quote returns to eliminate bid-ask bias, the asymmetry in buyer and seller initiated trades

2023-03-01 09:26:16 编辑:join 浏览量:650

翻译 Once block price effects are estimated using quote returns to eliminate bid-ask bias, the asymmetry in buyer and seller initiated trades

Once block price effects are estimated using quote returns to eliminate bid-ask bias, the
asymmetry in buyer and seller initiated trades

block price 冻结价格。once sth effects 冻结价格一旦生效,作主语;quote returns: 这个股票报价服务; eliminate bid-ask bias 减少(可能造成的价差)买卖偏见; 总结:当冻结价格一旦生效,(我们)估计股票报价服务(系统)的运行会减少(可能造成的)价差买卖偏见,供求双方(所掌握)的信息不对称引发了货易活动。


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