

2023-01-27 02:58:25 编辑:join 浏览量:672



1.The only access to enter into the age-old castle is this river.

2.In addition, you should think about the problem you are confronted with.

3.It's hard for people to deal with the alternative between career and family.

4.As far as his capacity,I think he is quite qualified for this job.

5.As a result of late,we haven't found a suitable parking place.

6.In the school library, we are available to get a wide variety of reference books.

7.Before being allowed to enter, she has been standing outside for a full hour.

8.A skilled worker is superior to the novice with no experience in many aspects.

9. Who do you think should bear the blame of the failure this time?

10.President devote to promote the peace in his lifetime.


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