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纽约时代广场抛撒彩色纸屑 为跨年倒数热身(视频)

2024-05-30 00:16:21 编辑:join 浏览量:533

纽约时代广场抛撒彩色纸屑 为跨年倒数热身(视频)

纽约时代广场抛撒彩色纸屑 为跨年倒数热身(视频)

In preparation for the annual New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square, organizers have conducted an "air worthiness test" of the confetti that will be dropped at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve.

The celebration’s hosts threw handfuls of confetti out onto the streets from a window eight stories above Times Square. The confetti floated through the air and surprised passersby looked up, searching for the source of the colored paper.

Each year people from around the world write their wishes for the New Year on the pieces of confetti that are dropped in Times Square. Approximately one ton of confetti, or 17 million pieces, will pour down on the one million visitors expected in the square on New Year ’s Eve. That’s quite a mess, but the city is prepared and will have dozens of workers on hand to clean up the streets.



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