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i like to move it歌词

2023-10-18 19:28:19 编辑:join 浏览量:621

i like to move it歌词

i like to move it歌词

歌名:i like to move it原唱:Trinidad and Tobago语言:英文发行时间:1994年备注:电影《马达加斯加》渣段主题曲歌词:我喜欢摇摆I like to move it, move it我喜欢摇摆I like to move it, move it我喜欢摇摆I like to move it, move it我们都爱摇摆We like to move it!我喜欢摇摆I like to move it, move it她喜欢摇摆She likes to move it, move it我们都爱摇摆We like to move it, move it我们就是爱摇摆We like to move it!继续蹦 别停下来Keep on jumpin' off the floor等到脚疼了才停止跳舞Dancin' 'til your feet is sore派对无疑像一个正妹Party hard just like a smarty girl都是咱生活所需的'cause that's what life is for(对)(Yeah!)我们不会停止派对And we don't party hardly(不)(No!)我们玩儿得正爽We just party hard(对)(Yeah!)可这并不是因为我们没事儿干And not because we bored(不)(No!)只是因为我们就是为派对而生We party 'cause we born to party我们将摆动自己的身体We gonna move our bodies手也要在空中挥舞With our hands in the air要尽如旅誉情地挥舞And wave 'em all around才不管会不会舞出事儿like we just don't care(嘿)(Yeah!)这是摩托摩托的主场Moto Moto in the house(对)(Yeah!)我会证明这一点I'm about to turn it out(好)(Yeah!)这绝对将载入史册And you know it's going down咱的体型咱的身子非常的棒I'm physically, physically, physically round我喜欢摇摆镇则I like to move it, move it我喜欢摇摆I like to move it, move it我喜欢摇摆I like to move it, move it我们都爱摇摆We like to move it!我喜欢摇摆I like to move it, move it她喜欢摇摆She like to move it, move it我们都爱摇摆We like to move it, move it我们都爱摇摆We like to move it!派对还没完 真的还没完Party ain't done, party ain't done这派对是如此诱人Party this belly got started, Act I这才刚刚开始 我还有大动作呢It just begun, big action把音量调大点 让音箱爆炸吧Pump up the volume, speaker blastin'把这里震翻天 来把这里闹个遍Shake up the ground, shake up the ground要像地震一样把地震了Shake like a earthquake quake up the ground还不够大声 再给我加把劲儿Play to make a sound, play to make a sound再来一点再来一点再来一点儿劲儿Play to make a, play to make a, play to make a sound这样我就可以迈起小步 跳起小舞So I can do my little dance, do my little dance迈起步然后跳小舞Do my little, do my little, do my little dance我很不淡定 我坐立不安Ants in my pants, got ants in my pants像热锅上的蚂蚁不会停下Ants in my, ants in my, ants in my pants这就是我动啊动的原因That's why I keep on movin'对 这就是我不断随歌舞动的原因Yes, That's why I keep on groovin'对 这就是我为什么一直在做Yes, That's why I keep on doin'我想做的事情的原因doin' what I'm doin', y'all


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