

2023-05-31 19:34:35 编辑:join 浏览量:599



也不算是解散吧,不在一起工作了。 看这是KEY的日志。 星期六, 三月 21, 2009 Ryans new band. 2.0 Hey buddies. Its Ryan Key. I'm writing to let everyone know that I have started a new band. I have spent the last few months writing and recording with my friend Sean O'Donnell, who was the singer of the band Reeve Oliver. Our band is called, BIG IF. I am super excited to finally have something to share with all of you. We have posted new songs and video on our myspace page. Please stop by and check it out at www. myspace. com/bigifmusic. With regards to Yellowcard, we are not working together for now, but we don't feel like it is necessary to announce a "break up". As of now we don't have any plans for the future but if there was ever a desire to work together again we want to keep the door open. For now I am going to focus all my effort and energy on BIG IF. Thanks to all of you for your continued support. We'll talk soon... -Ryan 5:55 上午 从这篇日志看得出来他们也不希望宣布YC解散但是他们现在对YC的以后也没有什么计划, 我在他空间去看过了,他们的官网上面都开始介绍BIG IF了, 说实话我也很伤心啊! 但是Key在上面的日志里面也有说如果还有合作的机会的话他们还是会一起演唱的,但是看现在这个样子希望不大了。 BIG IF按照Key的说法。。他是跟他朋友Sean O'Donnell一起弄的。那个人是原来Reeve Oliver的主唱。 他们的DEMO都出了几首了,我去听了下感觉还是不错。 国外的FANS好像Key做什么都支持一样,包括重组乐队。 不过既然Ryan Key已经做出这样的决定了,那我们也好好地开始听BIG IF吧。=]


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