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种树:plant trees Examples: 1. 四月是种树的时候。 April is the time to plant trees. 2. 我们在春天种花种树。 We plant trees and flowers in spring. 3. 这种树木可见于平原。 Such trees can be found in the plains. 4. 种树前,我们先用铁锹挖了些坑。 We dig some pits with a spade before planting the trees. They have been planting trees. 他们在种树。 We planted tree all day yesterday. 昨天一整天我们在种树。 What is he do while you are watering the flower, he is planting a tree. 我浇花时他在种树。 We are planting tree when it suddenly shower. 我们正在种树,这时突然下了阵雨。 He never let up on this main hobby of planting trees. 他的主要嗜好是种树,这一兴趣从未中断。 The smooth, thin-shelled oval nut of this tree. 山核桃这种树上产的表面光滑的薄壳长圆形坚果 Growing grass and trees on the upper-middle reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers to improve the local ecological environment. 在长江、黄河上中游大规模种草种树,努力改善生态环境。 In recent years hydroponic farming has been expanded to many parts of the world. 近几年来,水栽法种树植已在世界许多地区推广。 The soft, juicy fruit of this tree, having yellow flesh, downy, red-tinted yellow skin, and a deeply sculptured stone containing a single seed. 桃子这种树上产的软而多汁的果实,果肉黄色,带绒毛,黄里泛红的皮,深刻纹的内核,内有一颗籽


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