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apg international是什么公司

2023-02-13 10:53:09 编辑:join 浏览量:615

apg international是什么公司

apg international是什么公司

About APG

Established in 1982, Analytical Products Group, Inc. (APG) is an international provider of proficiency testing and quality assurance services. Proficiency testing programs, often referred to as round robin tests or ring studies, establish the validity of a method, the competency of a laboratory, and defensibility of data when utilized on a continual basis. APG's mission is to provide world-class products and services to improve the quality of data. Since 1982, APG has conducted in excess of 400 round robin studies, and since 1999, APG has evaluated over 1,000,000 data points.

APG is located in, Ohio, approximately 100 miles southeast of Columbus, Ohio. The company is comprised of highly trained laboratory personnel and statisticians, experienced and friendly customer service representatives, and a team of information technology professionals. The combination of these disciplines has allowed APG to develop proficiency testing programs that are efficient, confidential, and fulfilling of all international requirements.



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