Happy Teacher's day I will study hard to do a good child. 意思:是老师教师节快乐 我以后会好好学习 做个争气的孩子。 同学们,我们为有这样的老师而自豪。让我们和向老师学习,尊敬老师,听从老师的教导,用我们的进步,去编织世界上最绚丽的花环,献给我们的老师,最后祝愿老师们节日快乐,永远年轻! 谢谢大家! 英文:
Students, we are proud to have such a teacher. Let us learn from teachers, respect for teachers, listen to your teacher, with our progress, to weave the world's most beautiful garland, give it to our teacher, finally, wish all the teachers happy holidays, forever young! Thank you.
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