人数修改 找到Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Ai中的AIDefault文件用笔记本打开。 aiSettings.setNSides 2 aiSettings.setAutoSpawnBots 1 aiSettings.setMaxNBots 30 aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 1 aiSettings.setBotSkill 0.4 rem To spawn more than 15 bots in SP, use the following lines instead of the three lines above. rem Note that this is totaly unsupported, it will affect your system's performance rem and may even crash your game. That being said, you will most likely be able to run a lot rem more bots than 15 on your system. rem Example for 32 bot game with expert bots "rem"aiSettings.overrideMenuSettings 1 "rem"aiSettings.setMaxNBots XX "rem"aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 0 "rem"aiSettings.setBotSkill 1.0 把"rem"去掉,把XX改成想要的人数就OK。 兵力值修改 找到Battlefield 2\mods\xpack\python\game\gamemodes里的gpm_cq.py。 查找到return int(mapDefaultTickets * (bf2.serverSettings.getTicketRatio() /100.0)) 其中100的数值就是要调整的选项,数字愈大,双方阵营的兵力值愈少,数字小则是愈多. 数字可以任意调整,提供以下参数范例: 数值100 =200 双方阵营的兵力值 数值500 =22 双方阵营的兵力值 数值10 =2000 双方阵营的兵力值 数值1 =9999 双方阵营的兵力值